Poem Inspirational
Inspirational poems are some of my favorite poems to write. If you want to build an audience, inspirational based poems are a great place to start. Most people enjoy inspirational based content.
I used to walk the streets in San Francisco with an organization focused on street ministry. One Friday evening we were talking to a man that was telling us his story. While he was speaking with us, someone asked the question, "How did you get here?"
He replied, "One thing happened, then something else and I eventually lost hope."
That always stuck with me. Here is a poem I wrote specifically for this blog...
Hope is on the way
Hope is on the waysing praises to most high
it is surely your day
Help is on the way
Give thanks unto the lord
faithful is the only way
your path is destined
thine enemies shall perish
Sing praises to most high
is it surely your day
Help is on the way
He is my rock
Yes It's troubling times
Love is lack all the time
Quick to shoot on a dime
The house of the lord mine
The Lord hears during these times
Daughter do not fret
Son do not become overcome with regret
For your people are chosen
Hope is on the way
By Rafa Selase
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