Motivational Poems - One Step from Greatness

Motivational Poems For Success

7 Motivational Keys To Success

  1. When you make a plan, expect the obstacles - Before even trying to achieve a goal, identify potential issues and develop alternative solution options.
  2. Stay determined - A person’s will, desire and drive is often based on what they believe about themselves and not on what they see, what others say or where the begin(talent).
  3. Set realistic but high goals... Visualize where you want to be, but don’t measure success off of huge expectations but rather the baby steps you take everyday.
  4. Be assertive…Don’t worry about telling everyone but rather start doing the work and let others be a witness to how you do what you do. Supporters will eventually come! Walk the walk before talking the talk!
  5. Surround yourself with a supportive environment. Associate with those people that can provide objective insight and also 100% support!
  6. Make your vision and intention a priority. You must put the activities that will bring you to your vision at the forefront.
  7. Keep Challenging yourself - Don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable. Discomfort is a prerequisite to progress.

One Step from Greatness

I stand on the ledge
the losses
Missed opportunities
My obstacles
The circumstances
The unexpectedness of life
The Haters
And trials of life

I am firmly planted
In my belief
My faith
My theology
Love and I mean L.O.V.E
My Hope
And great expectation
For the future

I stand on this ledge
this moment
when I will be
no longer be
One step from Greatness
I know it feels like your walking in sand
Greatness is not where your stand
Obstacles are the stepping stones
The pebbles developing for your kingdom
Don't get weary 
One Step from Greatness
Your life is a witness
Teaching the fasle prophets 
Now pray
Now meditate
Now pray
Now meditate
Life is in your hands

By Rafa Selase

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